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Relationship-driven learning and support.

Mastermind Groups

SImpact Mastermind Groups for nonprofit executives provide a unique opportunity for mission-driven leaders to tap into the collective wisdom of like-minded professionals.  Trained, experienced facilitators lead members through a combination of targeted discussions, facilitated brainstorming and educational exercises. Sharing challenges and solutions with colleagues in a safe environment fosters deep connections among members.  In a SImpact Mastermind Group, you will be exposed to innovative ideas, hear fresh perspectives and cultivate priceless relationships that will support your personal and professional growth and development. 




FIVE Reasons Why a SIMPACT MASTERMIND might be right for you:

1. You are a lifelong learner.
2. You thrive in a collaborative environment.
3. You seek relationship-driven learning and peer accountability.
4. You are willing to be vulnerable and accept support.
5. You are excited to join a community of leaders like yourself.


SImpact Mastermind Groups offer a range of benefits that can help you achieve your goals and navigate the challenges of nonprofit leadership.

  • Forge priceless relationships with like-minded individuals who serve as your trusted advisors.
  • Tap into the collective wisdom and experience of thoroughly vetted nonprofit executives.
  • Access a safe and confidential space for peer-to-peer learning and problem solving.
  • Benefit from the accountability and encouragement of a committed group of peers.
  • Develop new opportunities for creative collaboration with community partners.


SImpact Mastermind Groups achieve the greatest success when members share a commitment to the key principles of the Mastermind community.  

  • Group members support each other with honesty, respect and compassion.
  • Consistent attendance is essential for success.  Groups typically meet once per month for 2 hours.
  • Confidentiality is vital to maintain a safe space for all participants.
  • Members must be comfortable sharing their challenges and seeking advice.
  • Members must also be willing to share their ideas and offer advice to their colleagues.


Each SImpact Mastermind Facilitator is a trained professional with years of facilitating experience.

Facilitators ensure the success of their Mastermind Groups in the following ways:

  • Encouraging participation and creativity from each member.
  • Moderating discussions and keeping conversations on course.
  • Promoting active and respectful listening.
  • Ensuring that all members' voices are valued and heard.


SILVER: $499 per year

  • Membership in a private Mastermind Group of nonprofit leaders.
  • Monthly meetings which include facilitator-led discussions, education, brainstorming sessions, peer-to-peer problem solving and support.
  • Access to all workshops and webinars throughout the year.
  • Access to members-only curated content.

GOLD: $4999 per year

Includes all benefits of SILVER membership , PLUS:

  • Two (2) hours of individual coaching per month.

For more information, please click the button below or email

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KID inc

"The SImpact Team is at the pinnacle of bringing local nonprofit thought leaders together to create opportunities for collaborative discussions, which can and do drive our missions forward. SImpact's expertise in facilitation, support and fostering community alliance is the best I have seen in the nonprofit sector.  

The SImpact Team's ability to harness and utilize the expertise and wisdom of nonprofit executives to drive each agency's respective mission forward is outstanding. The ideas and problem solving exercises, paired with self-examination and internal assessments, have been invaluable for both my professional development and the evolution of our organization."


SImpact Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, FEIN number 87-0922347.

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